Utdrag ur ”En tredje värld” översatt på engelska hos Swedish book review

Nu finns möjligheten att läsa ett utdrag, översatt till engelska ur Martin Björklinds bok ”En tredje värld” på Swedish book reviews hemsida.
Introduced and translated by Neil Betteridge.
En tredje värld (A Thirld World) is a murder mystery, a thrilling, fast-paced urban romp and a philosophical reflection on the nature of reality, all rolled into one. A ‘very well-written, exciting, screwy, philosophical, funny’ story by an author ‘who at times reaches truths about what it means to be human that makes one shudder and look inward at one’s own experiences’. (Quotes taken from reviews on Bokus.com.)
From A Third World:
Evert retrieved, with some effort, a large, hefty volume that lay hidden behind the boxes. It was a good foot and a half in length, with black straps binding its green leather covers and steel guards pressed into its corners. The front panel was aesthetically worn, the scratches and abrasions of frequent use covering the thick leather of the ancient tome like a veil. It thudded softly under its own weight as Evert lay it on the living room table. He showed Tage how to unfasten and refasten the bindings. Tage noticed that sheets of varying sizes had been inserted into its pages, causing the swelling content between the covers to protrude irregularly here and there. Evert turned grave eyes to Tage.
‘Did you see where I took this from?’
Tage gave a confirming nod of his head towards the boxes labelled 1986. Evert continued.
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Martin Björklind is a psychologist living in the Stockholm archipelago. His debut novel A Third World is a philosophical metropolitan thriller. It is yet to be translated into English.
Neil Betteridge is a translator and subtitler working from Swedish to English. He lives in the Stockholm archipelago.
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